Daytime Noise Monitoring Results                    
Station M6, Aegean Terrace                      
Date Start Time End Time  Weather Noise level (dB(A)), 30 min Major Construction Noise Source(s) Observed Other Noise Source(s) Observed Remarks Temp. (°C) Wind Speed (m/s) Noise Meter Model / ID Calibrator Model / ID
Leq * L10 L90
06-Jul-10 10:09 10:39 Fine 62 63 58 N.A Loading activities from other construction site, which near the Cyberport PTW of HATS.   Free-field measurement, +3dB correction. 30 <5 B&K 2238   S/N : 2684502 B&K 4231  S/N: 2385180
13-Jul-10 09:57 10:27 Sunny 59 61 56 N.A Loading activities from other construction site, which near the Cyberport PTW of HATS.   Free-field measurement, +3dB correction. 29.9 <5 B&K 2238   S/N : 2684502 B&K 4231  S/N: 2385180
19-Jul-10 09:36 10:06 Sunny 59 62 53 N.A Loading activities from other construction site, which near the Cyberport PTW of HATS.   Free-field measurement, +3dB correction. 29.7 <5 B&K 2238   S/N : 2684502 B&K 4231  S/N: 2385180
29-Jul-10 09:11 09:41 Cloudy 59 60 56 N.A Loading activities from other construction site, which near the Cyberport PTW of HATS.   Free-field measurement, +3dB correction. 28.5 <5 B&K 2238   S/N : 2684502 B&K 4231  S/N: 2385180
      Min. 59                  
      Max. 62